Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Red Light Camera Locations - Get Them on GPS

Every day, more American Motorists are being attacked by so called 'red light cameras'. These 'robotic traffic cops' are going up all over the country in the name of 'security'. But in reality, they serve a classic political agenda: to increase revenue. And we're growing very tired of it.

Red light cameras currently have many problems. These include activating too soon after a red light appears, taking pictures of the wrong car, taking pictures of the right car with the wrong driver - and sending them a ticket anyway, and miscalculating speed. These problems only become exasperated during high traffic - a time when they are supposed to be 'most effective'.

Then there is the fact that these electronic monitoring devices represent a startling loss of freedom. The most obvious of which is our privacy. Although some would argue as to your right for privacy, the fact is it has been a fundamental human freedom throughout history. Without privacy, abusive powers can act against you with almost no means for retaliation. Devices like these red light cameras, speed cameras, and others are a total violation of personal privacy. And the very idea of them causes further subordination in our population to abusive government power.

How to See Red Light Cameras on Your GPS Navigation!

While this problem results from the misuse of technology, it also offers the solution. Using almost any popular automotive GPS unit, you can see ahead of time nearly every red light camera, speed trap camera, and other electronic traffic intervention devices. By downloading a regularly updated map, you will be alerted in advance as you approach red light cameras, speed traps, and more. Then not only can you beat unfair speeding tickets, but you gain a 'true' sense of safety by knowing what lies ahead. Not the false kind which comes at the cost of your freedom..

He who would trade liberty for some temporary security deserves neither and will lose both.


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