Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

IP Cameras and Airport Surveillance

Airports are one of the most congested areas at any given time. Furthermore, in light of the recent events it's apparent that they need more security than ever before. Airports have a lot to manage when it comes to security and safety as people are constantly coming and going. IP cameras can record all the action at any given time.

Advantages of IP Cameras in Airport Terminals
- With IP cameras you get the benefit of real time surveillance directly to any place over the internet. What this means is operators can watch baggage claims, check-ins and other hazardous areas from all over the world including police stations, customs rooms and fire and medic aids. This real time remote surveillance offered with IP cameras is something no airport should be without.
- IP cameras can also keep surveillance on all illegal activity including drug smuggling and terrorism. It can record on command through motion detectors and upload video directly to the internet. For investigative searches and evidence, this is a critical feature. IP cameras store and record the information in digital form which offers almost unlimited storage space.
- Another benefit to IP cameras is that they are scalable meaning they can grow with the airport.
- Furthermore, IP cameras can be set up as wireless cameras which offer lower installation costs as well as covert video surveillance.
- Finally, IP cameras work with intelligence technology that allows them to record on motion as well as recognise suspicious individuals. This may seem hard to believe but IP cameras can actually use facial recognition and other algorithms to seek out illegal activity and record immediately. This is done using a technology called Video Analytics and Facial Recognition Software.
- However, it's important to keep in mind that IP cameras should not be substituted for actual guards and security team members. An over reliance on any video surveillance should never replace human security. Instead, it's important to incorporate both people and IP cameras in your surveillance strategy.
Tips for Successful IP Camera Surveillance Set Up
- Look to the trends of the past to determine where criminal activity has taken place.
- Work with the current airport security systems that are already set up. Perhaps re-installation is not necessary in some instances.
- Consider the security personnel that work the airport- where are there usually hidden spots? Where are the blind spots in the airport?
- Look to the past trends to determine which airports should be considered high risk in terms of drugs and terrorism. This should be targeted with IP cameras.
- Make sure you position cameras at all entrances and exits of the airport as well as outside the terminal and in places that link to trams or trains. Illegal activity often takes place outside the terminal on the various transportations.
- Consider the rush hour times for the airport.
- Monitor all open areas as well as constant surveillance on the planes and equipment.
- Finally, make sure you include cameras in restricted areas. Authorized personnel may be a threat in airport situations as well.

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